What prevent women for a sustainable use of maternal care in two rural medical districts of Burkina Faso? a qualitative study

Cet article traite des facteurs qui limitent le recours au centre de santé des femmes durant la grossesse ou pour l'accouchement. 

Introduction: Skilled attendance is one of the major strategies to curtail maternal mortality, specifically in developing countries. Despite the low
level of equipment, it is only in health facilities that skilled care are provided during pregnancy and childbirth; but there are some barriers which
prevent women to use health facilities for good care.

Methods: This study was carried out in Ouargaye where a skilled care initiative was
implemented by Family care International with the aim to increase the skilled attendance at delivery and Diapaga, the control district. Thirty (30)
In-depth interviews, 8 Focus group discussions and 6 non participant observations were carried out. Participants were women from 15-49 years. All
the interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed and analysed line by line. NVIVO was used to manage the interviews

Results: Four types of
barriers have been described by women; 1) the cultural barriers concern the low status of women in the two districts and some traditional beliefs
which mean that women can not always decide to use health facility by themselves. 2) The geographical barrier is about the distance to reach
health facility and the lack of transport means. 3) The financial barrier to pay care and drugs. 4) Bad organization of care and poor quality of care
provided to women

Conclusion: To minimize the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, it is important that women use health
facilities. The barriers described by women are not insurmountable but needed to be integrated in a global comprehensive health policy.


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